
Enums in Swift: A Complete Guide (with Examples)

Enums in Swift tie related values together in a type-safe way. For example, instead of calling a direction “Up” or “Down” in your program, you should create an enum that couples these options together: Then you can call Direction.Up or Direction.Down. A Common Use Case for Enums in Swift Say you have an app that needs to control the direction of the game character

Enums in Swift: A Complete Guide (with Examples) Read More »

Swift Closures: How Do They Actually Work?

Swift closure is a special type of function. Similar to regular functions, closures accept parameters, execute statements, and return values. According to Apple: Closures are self-contained blocks of functionality that can be passed around and used in your code In Swift, you can use closures as Swift Closures Let’s start by writing a closure to demonstrate how it works:

Swift Closures: How Do They Actually Work? Read More »

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