How to Learn JavaScript Fast — Follow These 7 Steps (in 2023)

To learn JavaScript or any other programming language, the number one thing you must do is write a lot of code. Learning JavaScript is not possible without loads of repetition and consistent practice.

This guide teaches you how to learn JavaScript fast.

Of course, you can become a proficient self-taught JavaScript developer at your own pace. But if you are looking for a way to become a software developer quickly, then there are things you need to know. If you have the right mindset, resources, and workflows, you can become a job-ready JavaScript developer in 6 months or even less.

What Is JavaScript Used for?

JavaScript is a web development language. That’s what the language is best known for.

Back in the day, websites were just pages full of information. But there was no interaction on the websites. There were no animations, effects, forms to fill, etc. Because of this, web pages were called static pages.

These days, websites are interactive. You can sign up, log in, make purchases, see animations and effects, and more. Also, websites can target ads and store cookies to personalize your web experience further. This is what JavaScript does. It’s a popular web programming language that allows web developers to add interaction to web pages.

What Is a Job-Ready JavaScript Developer?

A dream hire for web development companies is someone willing to use their programming skills to solve customers’ problems.

When you have little or no previous job experience as a web developer or programmer, this is hard to prove. If you’re applying for a job as a web developer for the first time, it’s the passion and potential that stands out.

The best way to showcase passion is by showing your projects and the effort you have put into learning JavaScript in a short amount of time. This is pretty much the only way to show you are truly interested in the craft.

It’s crucial to start building your projects as soon as you start learning JavaScript. Don’t worry, the problems you solve don’t have to be unique or innovative. Your first JavaScript application might be a click counter or something similar. As you learn more, you can start building more complex projects.

Remember, you need to have something to show the future recruiters—something that shows you are interested in what you do. Also, keep in mind programming or web development is not everyone’s cup of tea. If you are not into creating web applications or solving customers’ problems with code, don’t act like you are!

7 Tips for Learning JavaScript Fast

  1. Define Your Goals
  2. Be a Problem Solver, Not a Programmer
  3. Join a JavaScript Bootcamp
  4. Build Your Own Projects
  5. Repeat Every Step and Example You See on Tutorials
  6. Apply for Job Early
  7. Figure the Best Working Hours and Workflow

1. Clarify Your Goals

Before you start spending time learning JavaScript, make sure you understand what you are going for.

Learning JavaScript or any other programming language takes a significant amount of time, effort, and patience. So make sure you don’t waste time and resources in vain.

JavaScript is a web development programming language. It’s a coding language that has a high demand in the job market. Typically, JavaScript is used for building websites, web apps, and even games. If some or all of these sound intriguing to you, then you probably want to start learning JavaScript.

Also, decide whether you want to become a software developer as a hobby, career, or as a business founder. Keep the goals in your mind!

2. Be a Problem Solver, Not a Programmer

No company or founder is looking for a programmer on their side. To make businesses thrive, the team has to consist of skilled people who are passionate about solving customers’ problems.

As a JavaScript developer, you will solve customers’ problems with code. It’s important to adapt to the problem-solver mindset right from the get-go.

This means you should never write code that doesn’t solve a problem (or at least be part of solving one). Of course, as a beginner, this is not possible because you need to practice coding skills first with simple code examples. But once you have spent a week or two, you can already start applying your skills and solve problems with them.

When you apply for your first job or want to demonstrate your skills to a future co-founder, you need to have some experience. If you have never worked as a software developer, proving your passion and competitiveness is difficult. This is why you should start solving problems with code as early as possible. Build projects that solve some particular problem that has real-life meaning. Don’t be afraid to reinvent the wheel! The important part is to be able to solve problems with code.

3. Join a JavaScript Bootcamp

One of the best ways to learn to code fast is by joining a scheduled Bootcamp taught by experts in the field.

Notice that you don’t necessarily have to spend a buck to become a proficient programmer. But if time is a question and you want to become job-ready in less than a year, then the best option is to join a paid program with a quality instructor and projects.

When you take part in a course taught by professionals, you’ll maximize your learning. This is because the instructors know what skills today’s recruiters are looking for. They have experience in the field. A quality course is not about JavaScript theory. It’s all about applying coding skills to solve real-world problems.

Moreover, one of the major pitfalls in self-studying (or even university courses) is the pace. If you’re studying yourself, you are most likely not going to push hard enough in the right direction.

And when it comes to university courses, you will surely learn lots of useful skills. But the university courses are theory-heavy and don’t really focus on the problem-solving part that well. Also, your instructors and assistants typically don’t have experience in the field, which is super important.

4. Build Your Own Projects (That Solve Problems)

Start building your own projects as early as possible. Moreover, make sure the projects solve some problems.

You can get inspiration by searching for “JavaScript projects for beginners” or such.

Remember, learning how to code takes time. After the first couple of weeks of hard training, you can do surprisingly little. I bet making a very basic snake game can still feel quite a big challenge at this stage. That is to say, you don’t have to build something fancy. You don’t have to build a fully functional website with all the bells and whistles to impress recruiters. No one expects that kind of skill from someone who has just started.

When you build your own projects with JavaScript:

  1. You get valuable experience in how to solve problems with code.
  2. You’ll be able to make great additions to your portfolio.
  3. You can solve problems that are actually meaningful to you.

5. Repeat Every Step and Example You See in Tutorials

Okay, this is probably the most important tip on the list. The only way to learn to code is by writing code. No book, course, mentor, or bootcamp can save you if you don’t write code.

If you happen to have some background in maths, physics, or chemistry, you might know it already. But if you don’t have a mathematical background, it’s important to realize that programming is different. You need to get hands-on experience in coding, otherwise, you won’t learn it.

6. Apply for a Job Early

Learning JavaScript is a continuous process. The best way to learn professional-level JavaScript skills is by applying for a job early. No matter how long you have been practicing your coding skills, starting a job as a developer will be quite a ride. Everything is new and complicated at first.

Don’t hesitate to apply for a job even after a couple of months of training. If you have built some nice example projects and taken a course or two, there is a great chance you’ll be given a chance. Every recruiter knows a software developer must start their career from somewhere. When you have no working experience, it’s the potential and passion that attracts the recruiters.

7. Figure the Best Working Hours and Workflow

To learn JavaScript fast, you need to be efficient with time. Don’t work for 12 hours a day, it will only drain your energy and overwhelm you with all the new information and concepts.

But don’t practice too sparsely either. Aim for that 3 – 7 hours of practice every day. And remember to take breaks. Drag your eyes off the screen for a moment if you’re stuck. It’s a surprisingly great way to refresh your thoughts and boost efficiency.

If you take part in a bootcamp or online course, they will set the right pace for you. But if you are self-studying, it’s your responsibility to work optimally.

You don’t have to wake up at 6 AM every day. Instead, figure out the most suitable and productive hours of the day and spend those practicing JavaScript.


To become a JavaScript developer quickly, you need to consistently practice coding. Learning how to code is unique in the sense you have to write a lot of code. Otherwise, you won’t learn it. Many future developers like reading books or watching tutorials, but are not willing to put in the work.

To get a job as a JavaScript web developer quickly, you need to be able to showcase your passion and skills in web development. Without previous working experience, the only way to show this is by having code projects you’ve been working on. So start solving actual problems with code as early as possible.

It is possible to become a job-ready JavaScript developer in 6 months!

A good way to learn JavaScript fast is by attending a JavaScript course taught by experts in the field. On a JavaScript course, you usually start working with real-life projects that make a nice addition to your portfolio. On a JavaScript course, there are professional developers to help you. They know what you should learn and how to set the pace to reach your goals quickly.

Last but not least, you can become a self-taught job-ready JavaScript developer. But this is typically slower than by doing it intensively on a zero-to-hero web development course! It’s hard to push yourself in the right direction and out of your comfort zone at the same time.

Thanks for reading. I wish you the best of luck in your journey as a web developer. I’m sure the tips in this guide help you learn JavaScript more quicker.

Happy coding!

Further Reading

  1. Learning how to code takes place on the internet. As a beginner, it’s hard to know what resources to use. Make sure to check the best programming websites. Most of the sites are great for learning JavaScript and web development.
  2. Do you want to know a ballpark estimate for how long it takes to learn to code? Make sure to check my article about how long it takes to learn coding from scratch.
  3. To further streamline the JavaScript learning process, read also my tips for learning to code faster.
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